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In Church



Prayer is an essential part of the life and ministry of Himley Road. It also plays an important part in many different groups that meet within the life of the church.

We hold a weekly prayer meetings at church on Mondays at 7.00 pm and on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.30pm..

We also have a Prayer chain which uses phone and text messages for urgent requests.  Contact Harold Raybould to start the phone chain or Helen Newton to start the text chain.



Prayer Days are held from time to time to allow more time to focus on prayer than we may normally have in a regular service or prayer meeting.


Worship is at the heart of all we do. We aim to offer a variety of worship styles and experiences to meet the needs of different people - but always seeking to be honouring to God and focussed on his Word.  

Sunday morning worship starts at 10:45am.

We worship throuigh a variety of songs and hymns - both old and new. Usually worship is led by a worship leader and the music group with occasional items on the church organ. Holy Communion is celebrated each month at various times. Those members who cannot attend church regularly for whatever reason and would like to receive Holy Communion in their home should contact their Pastoral visitor. Tea and Coffee are usually served following Morning Services.  

We welcome both local and visiting preachers or a member of our Ministry Team. 




JYM (Jesus, You and Me) Club and Youth Group

Sundays from 10.45am Children and young people of all ages are taught in various groups ranging from:

- Beginners (Under 4's)

- Intermediate (5-7's)

- Junior (9-11's)

- Youth (12+).

Our aim is to teach the Christian gospel using a range of modern teaching methods. Group contact is Dawn Gill.


Other Groups

There are many other small groups connected with the church see them in our Church Group pages for more information.

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