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Gornal and Sedgley Circuit

Gornal and Sedgley Circuit

Every Methodist Church is part of a CIRCUIT which is a collection of churches in a particular area. Some circuits are very large - both geographically and numerically - others are very small and may consist of just one or two churches. Himley Road is part of the Gornal and Sedgley Circuit which is currently made up of five Methodist Churches, all in the Gornal area.

Five Ways

Upper Gornal

Himley Road


Lake Street

Each church fulfils its own ministry yet each one is dependent on the others. We share preachers - we train together - we pray together - we worship together. 2012 was the 50th anniversary of the circuit. Click the image on the right to read more in the anniversary brochure.

  • Worship Leaders Training
  • Marriage Preparation
  • Safeguarding
  • Church Membership
  • Local Preacher Training
  • Preaching Plan
  • Circuit Services

Above are some of the ways we work and worship together. Either click the links or contact us if you need to know more.

Each circuit is part of a District which is part of the Methodist Church in Britain.

The Methodist Church is a Wordwide Church with 70 million members around the world.




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